
BabyCare Electronic Drawing Board


This Electronic Drawing Board for Toddlers is perfect for introducing your little one to the world of art. This drawing board will ignite your toddler's creativity and provide hours of imaginative play. Its built-in stylus makes drawing shapes and patterns easy for your toddler.

Your youngsters may learn to write their names, draw drawings, and much more! Similar to writing and sketching on paper, the writing tablet generates colorful lines of varying thicknesses dependent on how firmly you press with a stylus. When you press the erase button, it just takes one second to clear the screen, which is both handy and time-saving. Press the lock button to save the data. After unlocking, you can still remove the design.

  • A battery-operated drawing board.
  • Comes with a stylus. 
  • Has an erase button to clean the board with a single press.